Buy Dillenia Indica Plant, Elephant Apple Plant For Sale In India

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It has been observed that Asian elephants are particularly fond of the fruit of Dillenia hence it is also known as Elephant apple.

Botanical Name - Dillenia Indica

Common Name - Elephant Apple

Kingdom: Plantae

Family: Dilleniaceae

Dillenia indica, commonly known as elephant apple or chulta, is a plant native to southeastern Asia, from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka east to southwestern China (Yunnan) and Vietnam, and south through Thailand to Malaysia and Indonesia.

Dillenia indica is an evergreen large shrub or small to medium-sized tree whic can attain a height of upto 15 meters.

It has been observed that Asian elephants are particularly fond of the fruit of Dillenia hence it is also known as Elephant apple.

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