How to keep your garden safe during the rainy season
Heavy rains during the monsoon season can be the bane of garden lives. Frequent bashing due to heavy rain can destroy even the most resilient plants and drive all the hard work you put in to build that beautiful garden down in the drain.
I know, it all sounds familiar; in fact, many of us have experienced our beautiful garden getting ruined by rain in front of our eyes. Not anymore, here a few measures we all can take, and keep your plants alive over the drizzly season.
Treat for waterlogging:
Waterlogging is not only rampant on public roads in our country but also in most people's gardens. After heavy rainfall, spots occur where water remains in puddles and doesn't drain away. It clogs oxygen supply to the roots, and they stop growing and eventually die.
Understanding the symptoms:
First and foremost, don't be deceived into watering your plant, in the rainy seasons, because of yellowing leaves, drooping stems, and dropping leaves. These are all classic signs of your plant suffocating to death due to a lack of oxygen, not reaching the roots.
Ironically, many people misread these signs of plants dying due to obstruction of oxygen supply to the roots as plants need watering.
How to keep plants safe:
Adding mulch is an effective strategy that once can adopt to keep the plants safe during the rainy season. By absorbing moisture, they facilitate the flow of oxygen to the roots and keep weeds under check. You can make mulch at home using organic material like hay, tree bark, or chippings.
Use a garden fork to make holes in the soil; water gets lodged in the air pockets that obstructs the flow of air to the roots. You can ventilate the garden by making holes to release the waterlogged air pockets. The deeper you can spike, the better for your garden.
Lack of sunlight is another major factor that kills the plants and damages your garden. If you live in a region that remains cloudy for most of the year, consider investing in some artificial lighting system for your garden.
If you live in a thick clay soil region, consider using growing frames in your garden. As this type of soil is prone to waterlogging, you can fill the bed with good quality topsoil and compost to keep your plants safe.
Keep your plants against torrential downpours and the resulting waterlogging by following these simple steps.