Buy Maranta Leuconeura Plant , Prayer Plant
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Its leaves are flat during day but fold at night in a position like if someone is praying hence it is also known as prayer plant.
Botanical Name - Maranta Leuconeura
Common Name - Maranta
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Marantaceae
Species: M. leuconeura
Variety - Kerchoveana
Maranta Leuconeura commonly known as prayer plant is native to the rain forests of Brazil.
It is a very popular ornamental plant with beautifully marked leaves.
Its leaves are flat during day but fold at night in a position like if someone is praying hence it is also known as prayer plant.
How To Take Care Of Maranta Leuconeura ( Prayer Plant )
Maranta leuconeura comes in different varieties but all of them require the same care and handling.
1. Watering
The maranta plant wants generous watering. The soil should be kept moist but it should be taken care of that their is no stagnant water as it will kill the plant.
It is best to feed the plant with warm water.
In winters reduce watering but do not let the soil become dry entirely.
2. Sunlight
Prayer plant can do well in low light setting but for the leaves to open completely it does require sufficient light. The plant does not like direct sunlight but does well in indirect sunlight. In winters give bright light but no direct sunlight.
3. Temperatures
The tropical nature of maranta plant makes its thrive in warm temperatures but very hot temperature will burn the leaves and they will turn dark.
4. Toxic Level
The plant is safe for humans as well as dogs and cats so its a safe plant to keep anywhere in your home.
5. Pest Control
The leaves of the plant can be cleaned from time to time with a dry cloth. Its most common enemy is spider mite. If there are any black dots on plant or leaves are covered with white webbing it is the sign of presence of spider mites. Easy way to get rid of them is to keep the plant humid often as they hate this high humidity thing.
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