Buy Rosa Banksiae Plant ( Climbing Rose ), Lady Banks Rose Plant

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Its common name ''Lady Banks'' is actually a tribute to Sir Joseph Banks wife who was on ship with Captain Cook when he must have explored Rosa Banksiae in China and brought it back to introduce it to the western world.

Botanical Name - Rosa Banksiae

Common Name - Banksian Rose

Family: Rosaceae

Species: R. banksiae

Rosa Banksiae is one of the most beautiful climbing roses.

Rosa Banksiae commonly known as Lady bank's rose is native to China.Its common name ''Lady Banks'' is actually a tribute to Sir Joseph Banks wife who was on ship with Captain Cook when he must have explored Rosa Banksiae in China and brought it back to introduce it to the western world. Its beautiful yellow colored attractive fragrance flowers can bring to life any garden big or small. The flowers bloom in late spring for a long period of time.

Rosa bankansie is thorn less rose and requires little care.

Below are some basic things you need to do while taking care of it.

Add some organic compost like cow manure to soil during planting, plant in an area with full sun and in well drained soil.

The rose will also survive in partial shade and will grow until it finds sun.

In areas experiencing very high temperatures it is best to grow in partial shade only.

Water the rose regularly but make sure you do not over water it.

Just keep it moist until it start to grow vigorously.

You can decrease the watering after this point and allow the soil to dry out between watering.

The Rosa bankansia plant requires same fertilization methods as other roses.

Fertilize it only after it starts growing.


Prune your rosa bankansia after the flowering has ended. The flowers bloom on old wood so if you can prune right after the blooming period it will lead to more vigorous blooming in the coming season.

Just clip above the leaf node where the leaf is joining the stem.

Pruning will also help in keeping the growth in check if it is required.

Climber Rose.